Electronic products are tested to IEC 61000-4-4: Electrical Fast Transient / Burst Immunity Test immunity to insure their continued reliable operation if subjected to realistic levels of fast transients. The European Union’s EMC Directive mandates the Electrical Fast Transient / Burst Immunity Test testing for virtually all electrical and electronic products as a condition for obtaining the CE Mark before shipping to a member state of the European Union.

Fast Transient Testing
Fast Transient Testing

The Basic EMC Standards for Electrical Fast Transient / Burst Immunity Test immunity define methods of generating consistently reproducible fast transients for test purposes. They specify generator and coupler/decoupler design and performance in an attempt to produce correlation results between test sites. The EMC Standard specifies how to perform Electrical Fast Transient / Burst Immunity Test testing, the generic, product and product family standards specify the test levels and pass/fail performance criteria.

For Electrical Fast Transient / Burst Immunity tests, the Generic Immunity Standards and Household Appliances Product Family Standard require that products operate as intended after the test. No degradation or loss of function is allowed below a performance level specified by the manufacturer. During the test, degradation is allowed, but not a change in the actual operating status or data storage. Refer to the tables located in the Generic, Product and Product Family Standards for specific Performance Criteria. The product cannot become unsafe under any conditions.