Biconical Antenna : Low Cost EMC Testing UK
A biconical antenna is a broad-bandwidth antenna made of two roughly conical conductive objects, nearly touching at their points. Biconical antennas are broadband dipole antennas, typically exhibiting a bandwidth of 3 octaves or more. The biconical antenna has a broad bandwidth because it is an example of a traveling wave structure; the analysis for a […]
EMC Radiated Emissions
Radiated Emissions Within the field of EMC, the term Radiated Emissions refers to the unintentional release of electromagnetic energy from an electronic device or apparatus. Any electronic device may generate Electromagnetic fields that unintentionally propagate away from the device’s structure. In general, Radiated Emissions are usually associated with non-intentional radiators, but intentional radiators can also […]
What is EMC ? EMC Test
EMC stands for Electro Magnetic Compatibility. It’s basically a standard that determines that an electronic or electrical product shall not generate electromagnetic disturbances, which may influence other products, equipment radio signals etc. So in other words, EMC addresses the problems of noise emission as well as noise immunity of electronic and electrical products and systems. […]
EMC Testing UK Video – A Low Cost Solution
Low Cost Pre-Compliance EMC Testing Within The UK From as little as £390 + VAT Call: 01207 238777 or email EMC Testing UK : Whether you are a small cottage industry building guitar amplifiers, or a large high volume manufacturer supplying switched mode power supplies, all products sold must be compliant with the relevant […]